French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut, Inc.

You can now join us with a new membership or renew your membership online! Click here!
Explore the rich history of French-Canadians. Our library and research center provides a space to come together and uncover family history. Join us in preserving the stories of our ancestors for future generations.

Save the date(s)- October 29-November 1, 2025 in Manchester, New Hampshire
Listen and Watch here! Here's a clip of an interview done with WJMJ, 88.9 FM. about FCGSC.
Library Hours
Our library at 53 Tolland Green, Tolland, Connecticut is open for walk-ins from 1-5 P.M. on Wednesdays and Saturdays, to patrons who are fully vaccinated.
Looking to the Future
Your checkbook is just one of many tools for making donations to your French-Canadian Genealogical Society. One of these tax efficient year end gifts may be a great option for you:
Gifts of appreciated stock allow you to support the FCGSC's mission while maximizing tax advantages.
If you are 70 1/2 or older you can make a gift directly from your IRA and lower your taxable income.
If you have a donor advised fund you can contact your advisor, or donate online.
Talk with your financial advisor or we can put you in contact with the FCGSC's financial advisor for more information.
Phone: 860-872-2597 Email: info@fcgsc.org
Mailing address: FCGSC/ PO Box 928/ Tolland, CT 06084
Location: 53 Tolland Green/ Tolland, CT 06084
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