French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut, Inc.
Join Us
Benefits of membership in the French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut include:
Full use of the library during normal scheduled hours. Our library is open 18 hours each week over four days, including weekends.
Borrowing privileges for the circulating collection of the library.
Two issues of The Connecticut Maple Leaf (CML)
Two issues of the Maple Leaflet (newsletter) per year.
A membership discount on research requests.
Access, with your membership card, to the records contained in any Town Clerk's office in Connecticut. The FCGSC is a legally incorporated 501(c)(3), meeting the requirement of CT General Statutes Section 7-51 that grants access to "birth and fetal death records less than one hundred years old" to "members of genealogical societies incorporated or authorized by the Secretary of the State to do business or conduct affairs in this state."
Membership Rates
Membership rates are per year in US dollars
Individual $35
Family $35 for individual plus $10 for each additional family member living in the same household
Student $10 (Copy of valid student ID is required)
Patron $100
Sustaining $150
Institutional $30 (Organizations only)
Exchange/reciprocal - no fee (Organizations only)
Questions? Contact us at 860-872-2597 during library hours or email info@fcgsc.org
Library Use Rules (Click HERE)
Please note: Check us out! You can use the library and resources by paying a $5 fee per visit for non-members. This can be applied towards a membership at a later date.
Mail the completed form and payment to:
French-Canadian Genealogical Society of CT
P.O. Box 928
Tolland, CT 06084-0928